Vote For Me

dimanche 15 novembre 2009

Directives de sécurité routière soviétique en versets

Driver, please don’t mess around
Riding on ice-covered ground

Push your brakes, don’t go fast
While the kids have not passed

Car insurance!
For those who need assurance.

Rushing on the road, guy,
You can make some people die

Obey rules right away
While you’re driving on the way.

If there isn’t traffic jam
Let the people leave the tram.

Always keep the safely distance.
Or drive into the truck, for instance

Driver, slow down.
Let the people walk around

All careless people
Soon will be cripples.

Don’t use vodka as a fuel
Or you’ll crash your engine cruel.

He is showing off in vain:
It’s the way to die in pain.

3 commentaires:

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Nice site, good work. Keep it up.

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